Tranent Parish Church • Scottish Charity No. SC017423

One of the most important things a Christian can do is pray.

It doesn't have to be something that is complicated and difficult and it is something we can do anywhere at any time.

We have a prayer request box in the Gathering Area in the church building and our prayer group usually meets at 8am on Saturday mornings there.  Anyone is welcome to come along.

If you have any prayer requests or would like more information about our prayer groups, simply send an email to

More prayers suggestions are available from Lothian & Borders Presbytery - here

Prayer Bulletin – September 2024

1st This morning we meet to praise our living Heavenly Father and to worship His

greatness and power. Please pray that God will help Katherine as she leads our service

and that all who attend will grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus. Today we

celebrate communion and Christ’s victory over the grave. May we all think deeply of

the sacrifice of Jesus as we share in the bread and wine.

Pray for an uplifting Praise Evening in our church this evening.

2nd For mission workers, in the UK and abroad, the temptation to leave in the face of difficulty

can be great. There are many pressures, including tough cultural issues, struggles with

complex languages, family issues, insufficient finance and unrealistic expectations. Please

pray for perseverance and faithfulness in the face of difficulty.

3rd Open House opens its doors this morning. Please pray for all those involved as they serve

the congregation and the wider community. Pray that the love of Jesus might be very evident

at the meeting and may all leave with a sense of God’s love for them.

Please pray for the elders in the Kirk Session as they meet tonight. Give thanks for their faith,

commitment and wisdom. May they all be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit and know they are

loved by God and by the whole congregation. Also may they feel the Holy Spirit’s presence in

all their meetings and be led by it to make the right decisions for our church.

4th The Pool Group meets this morning and give thanks for those who organise this time to

socialise and enjoy friendly competition.

Pray that Christians in Eritrea who are unjustly imprisoned for their faith are released, or if it

the Lord’s will for them to remain in prison that He will comfort and sustain them. Please also

pray for God to strengthen the faith of the families of those in prison and to give them peace.

5th We give thanks for the work of CrossReach and we praise God for those who support

CrossReach, raising money and volunteering their time and talents so many in need of

support can receive it.

Give thanks for those who live and work in Crookston and Tranent Care Homes and that we

are able to share monthly services in the care homes. Pray that these may be times when

God’s love is known and shared.

6th God’s promise to us is eternal. He has promised we shall have eternity with Him and each

other in a world where there will be no more tears, no pain or suffering. When you look out at

this amazing world God has given to us, consider the sheer scope of the promises that yet

await his people. We truly do have an awesome God!

7th This morning our weekly Prayer Meeting is held. May all those who are able to come along

enjoy fellowship as we lift to our amazing Lord our concerns, requests and gratitude.

The Presbytery of Lothian and Borders meets today at Dalkeith St John’s and Newton Church.

Give thanks for all the congregations in the Presbytery and pray that God guides us in good

ways of working together and of being a blessing in our communities. Pray for wisdom for the

Presbytery Clerk Norman Smith and the Presbytery Mission Officer, Peter Wood.

8th Please ask that God will guide Katherine as she leads our morning service today.

Also give thanks for all those who make our Sunday morning services possible. Thank

our loving Father that we can meet this morning for fellowship and to worship God.

Pray that our worship this morning will bring glory to God and show our appreciation

for all God has given us.

Give thanks for new members in our congregation. Pray that God blesses their lives

in His service.

We pray that the congregational afternoon tea will bring many together for fellowship

and that funds will be raised to twin our Church Garden with a garden in rural Migori in


Pray for our Youth Club which meets every second Sunday evening, our intern Jon and

all teenagers who attend. Pray that this time together may bring all present closer to


9th Lord God, we look around we use and abuse, we can see what we'll lose but now it's time

for us to choose. We are part of Your creation, we moan and we complain, we are quick to

point the blame, but everything just stays the same. We are part of Your creation. We are part

of your creation. (Rev Dr Shaw Paterson - Moderator - for Season of Creation)

10th Open House is held again this morning with food and drink available to all who want to

come into our church hall. May the team who prepare and serve know God is with them in all

they do.

Jesus’s offer of salvation not only includes complete forgiveness and everlasting life but also

warnings about persecution, temptations, wars, real suffering and even death. We need to

pray for our brothers and sisters all over the world who live through such challenges each day.

11th Pray for good fellowship at the Pool Group today.

Ask God to encourage those who seek to establish a fair and just peace in the Middle

East. Bless their efforts as they work to end conflict. Lead those who engage in violence to

put down their weapons and to live in peace with one another.

12th We pray for the work of Alcoholics Anonymous as it helps people overcome their

addiction to alcohol. May God give strength to all those who battle addiction including to

alcohol, drugs or gambling.

Pray for all those who lead our country or who work for the civil service and councils. May

they all have compassionate hearts and make wise decisions that are in the interests of all.

Ask God to guide them to lead with integrity and help each of us to play our part in bringing

about change for the good of Scotland and the United Kingdom.

13th Pray for all clients of Christians Against Poverty who are struggling with issues of low

self-worth and fear. Pray for strongholds that have bound them in shame to be broken as CAP

seeks to speak Truth and life to them. Pray that CAP staff and volunteers would be able to

show all clients that they are valuable and that God has good plans for them. Pray for those

CAP clients with poor physical health, asking that God would bring healing and comfort.

14th The Prayer Meeting convenes this morning. May all in attendance enjoy their time with

our Heavenly Father. Give thanks for the team who make this possible. Our Eco Group are

crushing apples to make apple juice in the Church hall garden this morning as part of our

celebration of Creation time this month. Pray that this will be a time of blessing.

We remember in prayer the leadership and all involved in Innerleithen, Traquair and

Walkerburn Churches. Give thanks for their Thondwe partnership and two visits taking place

this Autumn. Pray for the Meet & Eat lunches in Cardrona and for the Warm Wednesday

group supporting young families.

15th Pray that as many people as possible will be able to attend our morning service

today and that Katherine’s sermon, the Bible readings, songs and prayers will speak to

each of us. Give thanks for all those who volunteer to make our services possible and

may they know joy as they serve our Lord in this way. Pray that we as a congregation

will be able to share Christ’s love with all visitors to our church who come to worship

God or seeking help.

16th Please pray for all those working in Youth Work at our church and in our wider community,

giving thanks that these volunteers sacrificially give their time and energy to build relationships

and engage with young people of all sorts of backgrounds. This work is often an invisible and

unappreciated role but is of immense value to the young people.

17th Open House meet again today and please pray as you feel led on this important weekly

meeting. Pray for a chance to open eyes to the light, wisdom and compassion of the Gospel,

the reason we do all things.

Give thanks to God for those who use their God-given talents to further His kingdom through

the arts. In particular please pray for the ministry of Suzanne Lofthus and Cutting Edge

Theatre. Thank our loving Heavenly Father for protecting Suzanne in her many activities for

over 20 years. Please ask God to grant to Suzanne His wisdom and discernment as to which

projects she should undertake in the rest of 2024 and into 2025, together with financial

provision and protection from spiritual attacks.

18th Give thanks for the opportunity to meet, speak and play pool today.

Give thanks for God’s work through the East Lothian Foodbank which relies upon the generous

support of the many who have donated food to help those in crisis. The congregation of our

church can donate items at any time so please pray that we will continue to be generous in

supporting the foodbank.

19th Please pray for strength and perseverance for all our brothers and sisters in Christ who

experience persecution, opposition and difficulties because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Pray

that God will, in His perfect timing, take away the suffering of these people and that He will

provide wisdom and resources to the organisations that support persecuted Christians.

20th Lord God, the time is now to get involved, to care for all for we are blessed. We can

address what we have messed. We are part of Your creation, seeing Your beauty all around,

the beauty and wonder may still be found. We commit ourselves for we are bound. We are

part of Your creation. (Rev Dr Shaw Paterson - Moderator - for Season of Creation)

Please pray for the success of the art exhibition in the Church Hall which starts today and

continues until Sunday 22 September.

21st This morning our Prayer Group meets again. May all who attend be filled with joy and

leave their concerns at the foot of the Cross. Give thanks that God hears all our prayers and

answers them according to His wisdom and timing. Pray that we will all continue to use the

blessing of prayer wisely.

Give thanks to God for the work of Christians in Sport as they seek to reach out with the Gospel

through sport and to support Christians who play, coach or assist with sport as it can be a difficult

area in which to be a Christian and to witness to the love of Christ.

22nd Today we worship God in an all age service to celebrate Creation. Thank God for

all the good gifts He blesses us with and pray that our worship will change us and help

us to take good care of the natural world we live in.

Tonight our youngsters meet for their Teenage Gathering and we pray that it will help

them to recognise the importance of faith in Jesus in their lives.

23rd Give thanks to God for the many opportunities for outreach into schools in our local area.

Pray that many young children continue to come along to these groups and learn about God’s

love for them. Praise the Lord for the new SU group at the Ross High. Please pray that

through the efforts of Derek Harley (our local SU worker) and others, the pupils and teachers

in schools in East Lothian will see the love of Jesus and that the SU groups will grow.

24th Pray for all who attend Open House this morning to enjoy their time together.

Please pray that God will continue to provide resources to those who have a passion to see

more people reading God’s Holy Word. Give thanks to God for the organisations, such as

Wycliffe Bible Translators and Biblica, which translate the Bible into other languages so people

can read it in their own language. Also ask that God will speak into the hearts and minds of

the people who receive the translated Scriptures and they will be saved.

25th Give thanks for those who organise the Pool Group every Wednesday.

We remember in prayer this week the leadership and all involved in the life of Jedburgh and

Oxnam Churches. Please pray for the new union of the churches and for Sarah Cook as she

starts as the Probationary minister.

26th Let us all commit to continuously pray for our local MP, Douglas Alexander, whether or

not we voted for him. Also please contact him as our MPS need to hear from informed

Christians prepared to urge them to pass laws which restrain evil and promote good. Make

your Christian voice count!

27th Give thanks and praise that, despite the terrible things we see, hear and read about in

the news, God is still on His throne, is working out His eternal plans and His purposes will

prevail. Thank God once again for the wonderful truths and promises in His Word that

encourage us and give us a unique hope for the future. Pray that God’s Word will accomplish

what He desires and achieve the purposes for which He sent it (Isaiah 55 verse 11).

28th We pray for our weekly prayer meeting today. Let us all continue to pray to our Lord and

spend time listening to what He may be saying to us..

Quite apart from the terrible trauma and loss of life, we know that war zones in our world are

hugely contributing to climate crisis and are massively destructive of the natural world. Pray

for peace - that energy and industry could be harnessed for good purposes. We pray for all

the people in Ukraine, Russia, Israel and Gaza.

29th Pray that our worship this morning will bring glory to God and show our

appreciation for all God has given us. Give thanks to God for bringing Katherine to

Tranent Parish Church and may He continue to bless her ministry.

Give thanks for the young people who are part of the congregation and our J Club

(Sunday School) leaders. May the times they meet be a time of happiness and blessing.

30th Pray for the staff and young people in our local schools, Ross High, Sanderson's Wynd,

Windygoul, Elphinstone and St Martin's, that school be a positive place of learning and

teaching for all. Pray for those young people who find it hard to attend school and their carers,

that they have the support and help they need.

Lord God, bless us as we seek to care and do everything we might dare. We leave a legacy

for all to share, we are part of Your creation. Let us nurture every generation, in every corner

of every nation. We are part of Your creation. Rev Dr Shaw Paterson - Moderator - for Season

of Creation)

31st Open House meet today and we give thanks for the team who put on this weekly meeting

and for all the older members of our congregation and parish who attend.

There are many homeless, disadvantaged and marginalised people in our local area and many

Christians who seek to help and support them. Please ask God to strengthen all those

involved in this ministry and give them the resources they need to help people in need.